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Friday, July 17, 2015

Say It Correctly With Lisa Mojsin

Improve your pronunciation and speak English with confidence, clarity and accuracy! Learn many rules and exceptions which are generally not taught in English classes, including some important differences between British and American English.

 Videos include:
-Lists of the most common pronunciation errors of English words
-Pronunciation rules and exceptions
-Commonly confused words
-Pronouncing especially difficult words
-Names of US states that are difficult to pronounce
-British versus American pronunciation
-Syllable stress errors and vowel sound changes
Fix the most common pronunciation errors of English words
-Do you know the pronunciation differences between “of” and “off”?
-Why are the “ate” endings in “corporate” and “appreciate” pronounced differently?
-Why is the “ee” sound different in these two words: “feet” “feel”
-Learn to pronounce difficult words such as: “world” “women” “comfortable”
-How are the vowels and consonants pronouncedly different in these words: “lose” “loose”

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