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Friday, July 17, 2015

English Today Complete 26 DVDs

English  today  is an innovative product for english language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer.
Each publication (or module) presents three main features:

- The DVD, compatible with either a television or a computer.The DVD is the core of the course,

- An audio CD containing the transcriptions from the video episodes on the DVD along with some new interesting materials forin-depth study and revision.

- A paperback course book with the transcriptions of the episodes from the DVD and their translation, exercises and a section dedicating special attention to new vocabulary. Each DVD consists of a video episode and a lesson which clarifies the language issues set out in the programme. The "standard" lessons are integrated by a "special" lesson at the end of each DVD. This may be either a video episode with an independent storyline or a cartoon based on typical literature or cinema genres and which explores the language of various expressive forms. Each lesson also contains a workshop section with interactive exercises and grammar tables to test specific grammar skills and check progress.

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